Center Stage
I sat on the same bench, at the same table, with the same computer, and yet my view was noticeably different.
Just a few short months ago we visited my family cabin in summer, and took in all of the fresh air and greenery the mountains can provide. The textures and colors of the trees always astound me even though I’ve been coming to this cabin since I was a baby. The sharp, pointed needles of the Pine tree positioned against the softer branches of a Blue Spruce, draw attention to the distinctiveness of each living thing in creation. Can you see it in your mind’s eye?
Can you feel the mountain breeze? It gently moves through even the most delicate Aspen leaf, providing an organic soundtrack and a backdrop of beauty for any adventure. The soft wind affects each branch and leaf differently, and yet their joint movement creates a memorable masterpiece that calms, restores, and refreshes the most weary of hearts.
In various seasons, certain trees admired as the pillars of nature that they are, stand out, taking center stage.
In summer, when the fierce sun is placed high above, shining with intensity, each tree is fully clothed in green. This green exists not only to soak in essential nutrients, but to graciously provide shade for the passerby, leaving the grander, fuller tree as the one most appreciated.
In fall, the green for some turn to brighter shades of yellow or red, displaying their truest form of color before they fall to give life to the earth below. These deciduous trees move into the spotlight, as eyes instinctively focus their gaze on the exquisite contrast.
In winter, those once stunningly beautiful trees sit barren, while the consistent, evergreens stand at attention. Their apex points toward the One who sustains all things in all seasons; a timely reminder of how He sustains even us.
In spring, the barren will once again birth life anew. It is nothing short of a miracle, these hope-filled, fresh beginnings. The stage is then set for another round of seasons, a cycle that never disappoints nor loses its purpose.
These trees, with each created purpose and space amidst the mountain landscape, also seem to work together for a grander landscape. It made me think about each of us, you and me. Coming from various experiences, we work together to form the landscape of a larger narrative. One that is not dependent upon each of us, and yet one that invites us, all the same, to take part in something magnificent. Beautiful. Life-changing.
The beauty of the various seasons invite each of us differently into center stage.
In my life, there have been seasons where I have felt the spotlight. The focused light provides the gift of encouraging assurance that comes from being noticed. I have felt the stares, the critiques, and the applause alike. In those moments, the light is intense and the pace difficult to sustain. In other seasons, I have found myself more behind the scenes, where it was clear my time in the front was on pause. In those seasons I have wrestled with my significance, my contribution to the larger production, and at times even doubted whether I had anything of value to offer at all.
Noticing the importance of each tree in various seasons has lifted my spirits presently, allowing me to remember that I cannot look for every season to serve every purpose. I desire to be faithful as I circle around, living faithfully and fully through each cycle in order to fulfill the purpose for which He designed me.
Maybe this word is for you today. Whether you are in center stage or behind the scenes, take heart my friend. Life back stage allows for the deep heart work, the quiet reflective solitude, the pruning, the shedding, and the stillness of waiting that leads to a life confidently lived out in front. Each position, place, and stage is necessary. The one up front and center relies heavily on those behind them in support. Those in the trenches, look to those in the spotlight for the hope and encouragement to persevere.
Just like a forest, we need each other. While eyes may be directed toward some more than others today, it will not always be that way. May we appreciate where the Lord has us today, and keep our eyes fixed on the larger landscape he is painting with our uniqueness. Even if we find ourselves facing the same struggles, in the same place, with the same people, I pray our perspective is different, looking for His purpose through it all.
Let us cling tightly to this verse below and give praise to a Lord who sustains and nourishes us in each season with his enduring love. Selah.
"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Psalm 138:8 ESV