Before and After
We walked straight up to the front in true VIP style, bypassing the line extending long around the corner. With equal parts confidence and uneasiness, we were guided through a rope intended to reroute. Behind the registers, my girlfriends and I were ushered through a marked door labeled Employees Only. Our private tour guide spoke about their success upon each step and we looked around at how Chip and Joanna Gaines built the Magnolia empire overnight.
We all like a resurrection story, don’t we? In fact, it’s this story line that propelled these two likeable personalities into celebrity status with their HGTV show, Fixer Upper.
We made our way through the offices but lingered long in one area known as “Chip’s room”. Memorabilia and family treasures peppered every square inch, noting their journey from "no one” to “someone”.
Magazine covers with the couple donned in black-tie attire, Chip’s original tool belt, along with signed autographs from some of the world’s most famous created a gallery of notable moments not to be forgotten. My friends and I stood in this sunlit room admiring every detail, commenting on their journey of before and after.
If there is anything this power couple is known for it’s transforming an eye sore, a throw away, or a dilapidated structure into something of beauty and worth. In each episode of Fixer Upper, however, there is a starting point affectionately referred to as “demo day”. So it is with us. Tearing down is always required before something of lasting beauty can be built. Each tested trial, season of suffering, or disheartening disappointment is tearing down a life built on self-sufficiency and building up a life wholly dependent on the Creator. It is painful, yes, but it is necessary and purposeful.
Magnolia Silos - Waco, Texas
As we approach holy week, we too are invited to remember our own before and after story amidst an overarching redemptive narrative.
Ephesians 2 walks us through the reality of our transformation for those who have come to trust in Jesus, not just as a wise teacher, but as a personal rescuing Savior.
Once we were dead to sin, incapable of saving ourselves. But now, we are alive in Christ. (Ephesians 2: 4-5)
Once we were alienated from Christ. But now, we are reconciled to him through the cross. (Ephesians 2:12-13,16)
Once we were without hope. But now, He has become our peace. (Ephesians 2:12,14)
Once we were divided. But now, He has broken down the walls of hostility and made us one. (Ephesians 2:14-16)
Once we were far off. But now, He has brought us near. (Ephesians 2:17)
With each declaration, there is transformation. Can you see it? There is a before and an after.
Magnolia Rooftop - Waco, Texas
Our personal Magnolia tour culminated with a prized view from high above the grounds in Waco. In every direction you could see for miles, looking below on what has been built over time by sheer grace and hard work. As I stood posed for pictures by the famed silos that have been repurposed and preserved, I thought about that day. The one in my not so distant future, when I will stand before my God who makes all things new, and I will see myself as He has always seen me: whole and redeemed, lacking nothing.
Our story of transformation is being fleshed out daily. Some areas of our lives are in the demo stage, rough and painful. Some are in seasons where we feel life is gradually being rebuilt into something beautiful. Either way, we are all holding onto our limited view, while simultaneously holding on to what will come.
If this story of redemption is new to you, I pray this would be a reminder and an invitation to a before and after story that is always yours in Jesus. As you place your faith in him alone, you can trust that He is making you a new creation.
As we journey onward, not in spite of what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross, but in light of his sacrifice, we look forward with hope, we endure with joy, and we walk with faith. It will all be worth it.