Posts in Simple Lessons
Five Simple Rhythms For Reaching the Heart of Your Child

As parents, it can feel exhausting to attempt to connect with a child on different levels. While there is no shortcut to authentic relationships, allow these simple rhythms to help you reach your child’s heart and keep the conversations going.

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Learning Life Skills

Now that I am about to have a teenager in the house, my focus has switched from past growth to future goals. Here I share with you about a new Life Skills Worksheet that can be downloaded now for FREE.

I created this tool to help families with children at any age have a focused plan for learning and responsibility in the home. Grab it here!

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Keep It Simple

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times. The key to homeschooling littles well is to “KEEP IT SIMPLE”. Why is that so hard? I think one reason is because we never know if what we are doing is enough. I am guilty of trying everything under the sun.

Here I share one of my favorite activities to do at home with toddlers and Pre-K aged children. It’s a great starting point for anyone wanting to be more intentional at home with their little ones.

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