Posts tagged parenting
Five Simple Rhythms For Reaching the Heart of Your Child

As parents, it can feel exhausting to attempt to connect with a child on different levels. While there is no shortcut to authentic relationships, allow these simple rhythms to help you reach your child’s heart and keep the conversations going.

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How To Keep Giving When You Lack Time and Money

My budget shows red, and my energy is overdrawn. As the spring recedes and gives way to summer, I feel like I’m running low on all of my resources.

This passage from the gospel of Mark reminded me of a woman who gave out of her poverty not abundance, and I wonder if it might have a word for us as we seek to keep giving despite our lack.

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3 Ways for Busy Moms to Consistently Flourish in Their Faith

Our calendar consistently needs more margin, especially this time of year. As spring activities and school events dominate, it’s easy to feel like a participant in a mad dash toward the finish line.

Solitude? Quiet? Prayer? We know we need them, but finding space for them remains pretty challenging. Yet it matters not only for the health of our souls but also for the health of our families. So, here are three ways for busy moms to consistently flourish in their faith, creating space for the seemingly impossible yet spiritually essential.

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A Guide to Creating Your Own Family Mission Statement

The parenting journey parallels the popular children’s book We’re Going On a Bear Hunt. Some seasons find us slowly trudging through thick mud, stuck in weight and worry, while others swish past in the blink of an eye. No matter what—we can’t go over it, we can’t go under it, we must find the courage to go through it. So, how can we maintain an eternal perspective along the way? Read the full featured article at and download your family mission statement here.

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What Size is Your God: Remembering From Where Your Strength and Joy Comes

This sweet conversation between my husband and seven year old gifted clarity for me this week, and reminded me that where I place my greatest affections in this life will not only determine the path I follow, but determine the size of my God.

Are you feeling weary at the start of another month, a new season, or another day? Read this, remember who your God is, and find strength and joy again for your next step.

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When You Discover Your True Purpose

I guess I’ve always been a connector. You know, someone who introduces others when it seems like they were always meant to be connected.

While it’s benefited me in various seasons of life, there are times when it doesn’t feel like a gift. Instead it feels like my main value is all about the connection and less about, well, me.

Here I share how I’ve come to find my purpose in the fullness of God and why it matters for you today as well. It may just be the one thing that’s keeping you from the life you truly desire.

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Considering the Current of our Lives

After a recent beach vacation, my eyes were opened to more than the waves and expansive horizon. Unbeknownst to us, under the breathtaking scenery was a dangerous undercurrent. It led me to think about how we live looking at the surface—being rocked by waves—ignoring the current just below.

Here I share two truths to help as you assess what currents are directing your life.

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